Planning, Reviewing & hopefully ORDERING!!
For a Holiday Lover, it’s very nice to be able to roll your attention and energy straight into Gardening!! January is SEED MONTH, And Thank goodness!!
Today I have revisited my seed storage container, (a photo organizer, my Daughter gifted me) and compared it to my Johnny’s Seeds cart. From this resource, I’ve already missed my favorite Zinnia, “Benary’s Giant, Salmon Rose”!!!So take note, dragging your feet can cost you when ordering seeds!!
I’ll let you know how it goes.
Counting it ALL JOY,
❤️ Catherine Hansen Strange
Its ok to take a break sometimes and drag your heals if you need to. If the seeds don't sprout in time there are still plenty of nurseries. =) and some ship ready to plant. https://www.greatgardenplants.com/. ❤️