JANUARY I FIND IS A GREAT MONTH TO BE GRATEFUL FOR THE LITTLE THINGS. For some reason with all the “hoop la la” behind us we are able to see much clearer. Wether it’s the crispness in the winter air or the clean palette we now find in our homes, it allows us to identify the little things that add ease and Joy to our daily lives.
Here are just a few of the little itty bitty things that I am SO VERY Grateful for!
1) Learning Green Apples last 80 to 90 days.
2) Learning Orchid Plants can be kept alive simply by putting a few ice cubes at the base every so often.
3) Learning there is such thing as a wireless dog fence.
4) Finding out about “sun loving hydrangeas” and Learning that there is NO TALENT REQUIRED inorder to dry them.
5) Discovering our walls are solid wood allowing us to hang art and mirrors ANYwhere we want to!!!
So there it is, a list of a few things that have changed my daily life in little ways. But not only am I Grateful for the ease and joy these small things have added. I am extremely grateful for the stress and frustration these small things have subtracted.